I love these Edit This Contests put on by Fine Art America! In case you don't know, they provide a photo and ask us to edit it to make it our own piece of art. They do want the original photo to be recognized in some way. They then have a contest and vote for the best design. This design of mine tied for 5th place!!
The provided was a seascape view. Not sure what river or exact location but thinks it's from England somewhere near Manchester. I love the beach but I was surprisingly stumped for this photo. It took me a few days to decide what to do. My final piece is a mix of 6 different photos. Editing programs used were Affinity Photo, and Lightroom. Most of my editing was done and Affinity with final touches and adding tags, description, ect in LR.
The first thing I did was replace the sky with one of my photos. I wanted it to pop so I picked a late evening sunset sky photo. Then to make it more realistic I had to copy it, flip it and make it reflect in the water below.
I then took 3 different photos I had of tropical birds and added them along the coast line along with adding a seagull flying. It was time consuming to insert the birds and then trying to determine the best locations to put them.
Then I felt like something was needed out in the water so I ended up choosing one of my sailboat photos to add that last and perfect touch.
It was a tough contest with a lot of good entry's and great talent. I'm excited to have tied for 5th place. I love doing these so stay tuned for the next edit this contest!
Here are the links to the photos:
Final Photo Version:
Here's the contest link: