![Tips, advise and photos of the beautiful hike to Delicate Arch in Arches National Park in Utah](https://le-cdn.website-editor.net/s/85ff82a838f147aeaab6f94a2004cf6a/dms3rep/multi/opt/Utah7211-2YTCovr-1920w.jpg?Expires=1742670775&Signature=a8Rr3LB6DerofhzVp3rSxpX6BGWsxkzIE2~KCmyRzBfYax01eyOBEsNY~h0aJijfcTcAP9AghmjmYdnVqzEubJ1lBAvZd-I3~QzRQimR5hBk2ld8eSxb8K3uvdmT3iBKYYJ~lZORBLca1tW~JBTCZrsniJlD7bM6UMOKYmGFnNGZ8VrPfvgdRRHDSyfdLedQg~82vlwNLF364iyf0WfBdOqVsP-ScAznnXbVAz67uYKo9BbmVbxjh7auA3-ZMayXS9ZLnBJFLwymyJLFhsrWCsKd~a3d7sy7FezgZpWd7tZv1ydyqyrdoGdJWX-rVubhEHBw98wTotUybImM7jx3yA__&Key-Pair-Id=K2NXBXLF010TJW)
![A short blog about a few scenic points in the US State of Utah.](https://le-cdn.website-editor.net/s/85ff82a838f147aeaab6f94a2004cf6a/dms3rep/multi/opt/59585748-domainId-12blog-1920w.jpg?Expires=1742670775&Signature=Lu7kFI1Qk2cGl7aW0tIPbjll4gYNhfe9CgjGtGuKZVnqFImPCGtzSSdl0BaU8NFictlRldxZtHMcLnETmf-pKBEOuiYgrLzTf3Xu0UAK5Yjen1QWS0p78y9nHmpD7OUfMIcLjtAOSF9J7vudhXQaVlzIIPdo5dskJXPrnB77zs9afg-rbZTklNyBlVibnZLTdwiMVJ2QgnWUoznSxVM0rE95blEm5OFWolcBe~MIglBIoBVB6tmdkz5OWNaetXWua1bAFZqdj-UCqS6RAmK4LFBmFlS75M2PgCOxCYAUe-11xY99FaoLzIC-B4KPHItyjwU9VuW24qz~dYK-Xgt4Qg__&Key-Pair-Id=K2NXBXLF010TJW)
Instead of staying on the coast, this time we chose a location that had the perfect spot for sunset. As I was looking for a place to stay, this leaning sailboat shipwreck on the Pensacola Bay captured my attention and I knew that was the spot! It was right off of the main highway which heads to Pensacola Beach.
When we got there, I was really impressed. The sunset scene was beautiful and it was much more quite than Pensacola Beach which was really crowded when we were there in late April. I selfishly prefer to have the beach to myself!! That is why I'm usually up early in the morning for photos when it's not so busy.
At first I was slightly disappointed there were not any clouds in the sky, but then the color quickly exploded and it was perfect! I loved the leaning sailboat and the simple sky kept the focus on the subject! A leaning palm tree and a dock in the background that was partially still damaged from hurricanes, all made for an overall perfect setting. Light changes fast at sunrise and sunset so i moved around quickly to capture different angles.
As the sun fell below the horizon, you could see a sliver of the moon high above the bay, and the horizon glowed golden orange and yellow as the sun went out of sight. It was so nice to have this beautiful view right from our hotel!
We worked our way around the bay to get close to the boat dock pier area and found one of those cool directional signs pointing to different places and how many miles away they were. Made the perfect silhouette during blue hour with the dock.
The boat dock also provided a wonderful silhouette subject with it's posts sticking up out of the water in the areas where it was damaged. I'm not sure how long it's been like this. I do know they had a big hurricane the year before which we could still see damage in the area from it when we were driving around.
While I was taking photos, my husband took some videos with his phone for a behind the scenes view. Below is the video.
If you'd like to check out all of my photos I took at Gulf Breeze feel free to visit my main art gallery shop at: https://5-jennifer-white.pixels.com/art/gulf+breeze
I also have a few available at Pictorem too: https://www.pictorem.com/gallery/Jennifer.White?keyword=gulf+breeze
Hope you enjoy and if you're looking for a place to stay that's not right on the crowded gulf coast beach, you might look into staying somewhere in Gulf Breeze.
Be blessed!