What would you do with a little extra cash? The possibilities are endless. Who doesn't love getting a little extra money. Your earning power is unlimited depending on how much work you put into it. Like everything else in life it takes work. You get what you put into it.
My online gift store at Zazzle offers an Affiliate program where associates can earn 15% on all sales they refer. By signing up, you get your own associates id that you attach to the store or products that you are promoting. As a small business owner and mother, I'm looking for someone who is willing to help promote my store and earn some extra money.
This opportunity is great for those who like to blog. Like the banner above, you can post this banner on your website with your customized link and earn 15% on all sales.
Here's the link to learn more about the program: Click here
For our store link: Click Here
Do you have a blog? If you'd like to become an associate, and write a blog about our store, we would be willing to write a blog about your website too. Contact us for more information.
So what is it that you would do with extra income? I like to save any extra income for vacation time, or for new photography equipment (photography is very expensive). Comment below with what you would do.